But the Church did encourage the veneration of the relics of four types of people, besides St.Mary and the Apostles:
  • · Martrys who laid down their lives for the faith (Sahde eg. St. Ignatius,St. George, St.Stephen etc.)
  • · Confessors who were persecuted and tortured but did not die (Mowdyone)
  • · Great teachers and defenders of the Church - like St. Athanasius,St. Cyril etc.

  • · Great ascetics and Holy men who often died a natural death, eg. St. antonious,St.Pachomius,St.Symeon the Stylite etc. 
Great Saints fall within more than one category,eg. St.basil, he belonged to Groups 2,3 and 4.

 Our Saint of Parumala also falls within categories 3 and 4 for he was the one who defended the Orthodox Church from the attacks of  western rationalism, which came through western missionaries and through our own people who were deeply influnced by their wrong teaching.Were it not for his unusual combination of exceptional sanctity and unusually intelligent perception of the faith of the undivided Church, more of our people would have been swept away by the current of Protestant rationalism.

 In the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, being canonized as a Saint confers seven privileges

  • · The Saint's name appears in the Church's liturgical Calendar
  • · His intercession can be requested in the public prayers of the Church
  • · Churches and Altars can be dedicated in the name of the Saint
  • · Pictorial representations of the Saint can be placed above the Altar
  • · The relics of the Saint can be enclosed in precious vessels and offered to the people for veneration.
  • · Feasts of the saint can be celeberated in the Churches
  • · Special Qurbanas can be celebrated in the Churches.

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